This Ethiopian child may be poor but what is his house worth? - The answer will blow your mind!
This is a combination of pastiche, parody and Caricature so nothing here should be taken seriously.
This website is not associated with the Daily Mail, Mail Online, Associated Newspapers Ltd or any associated companies and or people.

Parody is protected by section 5 of the Copyright and Rights in Performances (Quotation and Parody) Regulations 2014.
Under pastiche, parody and Caricature.

©2016 Matthew Christopher Morgan
  • We at the Daily Frail have decided to look conditions in Ethiopia
  • But when we got to the village we started to think would these huts be something that could be sold to hipsters
  • And we love reporting on house prices so we will help you choose if you want to build your own hut
It costs about $3,000 in the US to build a mud hut but you could go cheaper if you want it closer how it is done in this video.

No need to say anymore about this as it would take time that could be used better.